Legal challenge to the UK Internal Market Act 2020


18 August 2022


Mick Antoniw MS, Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution



I have committed in statements to the Senedd, at committee appearances and in correspondence, to keep Senedd Members updated as to the steps the Welsh Government is taking to challenge the United Kingdom Internal Market Act 2020.


Last week, the Supreme Court rejected our application for permission to appeal the Order of the Court of Appeal  that our claim for judicial review of the Act was premature.


We are disappointed by the Court’s ruling. But in making what is essentially, at this stage, a procedural decision, the Court has not rejected our substantive arguments and has left the door open for this matter to be considered at an appropriate point in the future.


The Welsh Government remains clear in its opposition to the United Kingdom Internal Market Act 2020. It is an unwarranted attack on devolution and the right of the Senedd to legislate without interference in areas devolved to Wales. We will now consider how we can best take forward our challenge to the Act, to protect and assert the democratic right of this institution to make laws for the people of Wales.


I will continue to keep Members updated.


This statement is being issued during recess in order to keep Members informed. Should Members wish me to make a further statement or to answer questions on this when the Senedd returns I would be happy to do so.